Older Posts

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Good Morning Vietnam

 The Blog cannot be deemed as editorially robust if it fails to report on my battle wounds.

First up – 'Four boob and three tit'

Murdoch's office smoothed skin, usually wetsuit protected, rubs on his one protruding rib. 

Two tit
Car crash gash, I don't know how this didn't get infected. 

One tit
A great friend I made from South Africa had a similar problem with his two bottom ribs. Although instead of cuts he grew lumps. 

The double act of 'four boob and three tit' was born.

 Second up – 'self service'  

Excited at the afore mentioned beach fires I stubbed my toe. Just a bit of blood, will clean later.

Bad move; congealed sand and blood, not willing to dissolve in water. Time for self surgery. A quick sterilization process on the tools and I got down to scraping the sand out with a knife.

What a tit
Having never done anything like this I got quite a shock when the knife first hit flesh. It was was like the scene from a well known movie.  

Awake, I continued scraping until there was about 5 grains of sand which were just too deep!!

1 comment:

  1. Not quite a wound but after food poisoning on Christmas day I managed to get some sort of tropical fever. Wiped out until the 3rd January. Real dull festive period for me.
